Photo of Jorge Bernard Argentina
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Nationality: Argentine. Place and date of birth: Mendoza, 02 February 1962. Address: 545 Rio Grande Ave Pern Tierra del Fuego Telephone: 02964 15 61 50 62E-mail: PRIMARY SCHOOL: Manuel Antequeda-MendozaSECUNDARIOS School: Liceo Militar General Mirror He graduated with a Bachelor Lieutenant reserve Merit Order No. 45. UNIVERSITY: Fine Arts - Mendoza TERTIARY: National Beekeeper Perito (GO) -...

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Photo of Jorge Bernard Argentina

Nationality: Argentine. Place and date of birth: Mendoza, 02 February 1962. Address: 545 Rio Grande Ave Pern Tierra del Fuego Telephone: 02964 15 61 50 62E-mail: PRIMARY SCHOOL: Manuel Antequeda-MendozaSECUNDARIOS School: Liceo Militar General Mirror He graduated with a Bachelor Lieutenant reserve Merit Order No. 45. UNIVERSITY: Fine Arts - Mendoza TERTIARY: National Beekeeper Perito (GO) - Mendoza Technician in Jardineray Green Spaces designer (Genesis Planter School Mendoza) INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL - Extensive experience in design of advertisements for graphic, folletera, logo design, poster design and poster vapblica. - Manual illustration in all its digital techniques and software-SPECIFIC such as Adobe Photoshop, Painter and Macromedia Free Hand. - Drawing 2D and 3D animated and non-linear edition in Adobe Premiere. - Design multimedia Flash MXRealizacin Story Board. - Photographic retouching in Adobe Photoshop. - Executed projects comics and illustrated revistas.Dibujo caps and paint. - Management of Free Software Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Hand-PainterConmotion - Corel Draw, Quark X Press Flash MX 3D Max - techniques of illustration - Ethnic Painting - illustration Manual: Pen ( ink) Pencil, Graphite Watercolour Pastel AerografaIlustracin Digital: Photoshop Corel Painter DrawAcrlico Free Hand EXPERIENCE 1984: magazine illustration in Bitcora Leaf Editions, Mendoza.1989: Directorate of Art POLITICAL Spal newspaper of analysis. 1990: cover artist of the comic TRIX Hemocmics, Tucumn. 1990-1992: cartoonist and cover artist of the journal TRAUKO, Santiago, Chile. 1991-1993: Supervising advertising agency art Mendoza Sarmiento Advertising. 1994: Iluistrador and animator in advertising agency Dealers, Mendoza. 1995-1999: Art Director and Head of Digital Arts Channel 7, Mendoza, open TV channel, diseando the corporate image of the channel, Channel 6 San Rafael, Mendoza and Channel 8 in the province of San Juan. Creation of the presentations of the programs produced in Mendoza and San Juan. Newsroom of promotional trailers of programming, commercials and design of folletera. 2000: illustration and advertising design agency in Brief. A producer of TV animation productions Soldatti. 2001-2002: art direction, design, animation illustration in SA Corporate advertising agency 2002-2003: Perform various illustration work for agencies diseoe Cousio & Partners and Ogilvy & Mather, Santiago de Chile.2004: Design and art direction Grafica Ok. 2004: desempea as an illustrator and designer Vince Web Design, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego. 2005: Multimedia Design and on-line edition on Channel 2 TV Fuego, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego. DRAWING AND PAINTING EXHIBITION 1984: Human Rights Drawings Cuyo, Municipal Museum of Modern Art Mendoza. 1984: Exhibition individual drawing Art Gallery La Reja, Mendoza 1984: Exhibition of drawing individual Faculty of Social Policies and National University of Cuyo, due to be held on Interdisciplinary Seminar on Latin America. 1985: Exhibition of drawings and Youth Arts group exhibition, City Art Museum Modern. 1985: Exhibition of drawings on the 1st. Annual Salon of Artists Society of Mendoza plastic in Moderno.1985 Municipal Art Museum: Exhibition of drawings Pequeo group show format, in AB Art Gallery, Mendoza.1986 : XVI drawing Exhibition of Plastic Arts Biennial, Museum of Modern Art. 1986: Exhibition individual drawing Art Gallery AB, Mendoza. 1991: Exhibition of works in the 1st cartoon illustration. International Cmic shows in Santiago, Chile. 1992: Exhibition of original covers and cartoons on the week's comic of Bellavista, Santiago, Chile. 1994: Exhibition of paintings in group show at room Aboriginal Week Bernardino Rivadavia, Mendoza. 1998: Exhibition of paintings in the room fantastic Arts Cultural Center Canal 7 Mendoza. 1999: Exhibition of Cartoon installation video and sculpture in the Arts lounge Enoteca in the multi-artistic event Mendoza Aliens in 2003: Collective exhibition of paintings in Art Gallery Window Cemicual, Santiago, Chile. 2003: Retrospective Exhibition individual illustration and painting at the Aula Magna of the University Maza, Mendoza, Argentina. 2003: Exhibition of paintings snapshots of the two roads, Hall White Honorable Deliberating Council, City of Mendoza. 2003: Exhibition of paintings Stories Desert Cultural Centre Adolfo Calle Diario Los Andes, Mendoza. 2004: Cartoon Expose Transfusion in March, based on the story Sonia, Oscar Guilln in Contemporary Art Space, Mendoza. 2004: Exhibits Other works, cartoons and illustrations for magazine covers in Contemporary Art Space. 2004: Exhibition of paintings fables with Thorns, Alliance Française, Mendoza. 2004: Exhibition of paintings The Memory of Water, Virginia Museum Choquintel, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. 2005: Exhibition of drawings, watercolors and paintings Paintings of stay, held at The Black Sheep, under the auspices of the Sociedad Rural of Rio Grande. 2006: Exhibition at the Art Gallery Maritime Museum in Ushuaia, selected as part of Argentina Pinta Bien, organized by Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires and sponsored by Repsol YPF. OTHER WORKS Direcciny realization of the short cartoon that ESTs One Hope Live, for Amnesty International, made in 16mm, edited by Kusar Films. The short film Stills and Malcomunado Biencomunado, film Film Laboratory Faculty of Social Policies and National University of Cuyo. Aconcagua campaign launch Cable TV, conducted entirely in Drawings animated, directed by the plastic artist Javier Segura. Competition Jury at the Wine Label Stock Exchange Mendoza, editions 1996 1997 1998 enSus Logo Design AWARDS Provincial Program in Place Trash, Ministry of Environment and Planning, Government of Mendoza . Channel 7, Mendoza. VPM (Video Productions Mendoza). Presa Potrerillos. Obras Sanitarias Mendoza with you. A television program Who Cares? Television sports program of Guaymalln Guaymalln Deportev.Municipalidad Avanza.Ynez Climatizacin.La Griselda, goat products. 1984: 2 Vintage 1984, Salon Prize drawing. 1985: 1 Award Poster Competition Acquisition EVITA, PJ, Mendoza. 1992: Honorary Mention in the contest Golden Pencil, Buenos Aires and made into animated commercial for car dealership. 1992: Finalist in the Award The Chronicle of Buenos Aires, Graphical campaign Educacin Road Transport Department, Government of Mendoza, campaign published in newspapers and magazines with illustrations done in airbrush. Cartoon advertising campaigns consumption of raisins and fresh grapes, INV. National campaign. Creative direction: JosAlvarez. Art direction: George Bernard. Guidelines Journal Journal ONE Campaign launched ONE in Va Pblico at provincial level. Creative direction: JosAvils Directorate of Art: Bernard Mendoza Jorge Mendoza Government may, governor Bordner JosOctavio creative Directorate: Directorate of Art JosAlvarez: George Bernard . Campaaa JosContramano Road Educacin provincial level, the Ministry of Transport, Government of Mendoza. Creative direction: Adolfo Scalone art direction: George Bernard. Hercal national television campaign to launch new Minetti contact cement. Creative direction: Adolfo Scalone art direction: George Bernard Directorate of commercials: Daniel Arceri. He has made short cartoons for the following companies and institutions: ICE CREAM SARMIENTOMINISTERIO NOELPUBLICIDAD HEALTH PLAZA SHOPPINGMINISTERIO MENDOZAMENDOZA GOVERNMENT WORKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PUBLICOSMINISTERIO, VIVIENDADIRECCIN PLANNING AND TRANSPORT, GOVERNMENT OF TOP CABLEPIZZA MENDOZASUPERCANAL TV (chain pizza) MINETTI (Portland cement factory) DENTALECI MENDOZACLNICA SANITARY WORKS (Comprehensive Emergency cardiac) MENDOZAQUINIELA Lotero OF THE MENDOZACANAL 7 8 SAN JUANACONCAGUA TV MENDOZACANAL CABLEFECUNDA AFJP (Fund Manager, Retirement and Pension) MID (Integration and Development Movement) GOVERNMENT OF MENDOZADISCO SUPERMERCADOSDIRECCIN SAMACOBANCO ESCUELASSANITARIOS GENERAL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION OF FUNCTIONAL MENDOZABALBI (department stores) INK - SHEHUN PRODUCTIONS (Children's Program Daily TV Los Andes) OSEP (Social Work Employees public) PROMIN (Mother and Child Programme) Ministry of Social Development and Mendocino Salud.CMARA JUGUETERASAMNESTY AUTOMOTORESDIRECCIN SPORTS INTERNATIONALLUJN WILLIAMS, GOV. OF ANDEAN MENDOZAMERCANTIL, Company of SEGUROSTRANSPORTES ANDESMAR (Parcel) Center Pharmacy (Chain Pharmacy) CITY OF THE CAPITAL, MENDOZA.Programa CIBERFAS TV STATION (Accion Social Foundation) County of San LuisUNIVERSIDAD OF CONGRESS

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